
my fish is getting white spots on them

If your fish is having white spot over its body then it may be due to ick or ich. This is parasitic infection cause by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. It is also know as white spot disease. It is extremely communicable disease and grasp whole aquarium in few hours. This is extremely fatal to your fish and may kill. Actually itch does not kill your fish directly but instead it decreases your fish's immune system and hence your fish dies because of other infection.

Symtoms of Itch :

Your fish will develop small white slat like spots all over its body.
Your fish will rub itself against the walls of aquarium,stones or with other fish.
Your fish will become lethargic in advanced stages.
Bloody streaks may develop on the body.

Why fish get itch :
The main reason which is believed that lead to break out of itch is stress. Stress on fishes decreases the immune system of fishes. This may result in fishes to more susceptible to these types of infection. So try to avoid stress on fishes .

It is also observed that introduction of new fish into tank may infect other fishes.

For treatment it is important to understand life cycle of itch :

Life cycle of itch :
The life cycle of itch is divided in several stages
Once the itch protozoan attaches to fish body, it start eating the fish cells, and tissues. Which results in irritation to fish. During this stage Protozoan is know as trophozoite and it grows on the body of fish. They have wall of cyst which protects from medication. So it is almost impossible to treat itch at this stage. After maturing it is know as trophont and burst thorugh cyst wall and falling in aquarium and divise into hundreds of itch causing units know as tormites. This stage is temperature dependent .Higher temperature increases speed of tormites life cycle and vice verse. So inccrease temmperature to eradicate them soon. They realse tomites which attach on fishes repeating the life cycle. During this stage itch is more easily killed by medication.