
yellow spotted triggerfish

Yellow spotted triggerfish is one of the extremely beautiful marine water fish. They often have yellow spots on greenish or blue background. When they are young instead of spot you can find yellow colors patterns and margins. Yellow spotted triggerfish is laterally compressed with oval shape body structure. They are extremely hardy and gorgeous which make them popular in marine aquarium trade. These are quite aggressive and territorial in nature so tank mates must be chosen wisely. Yellow spotted triggerfish have long lifespan and they can grow up to 2 feet of length. Feeding them is easy, you can give them shrimps, mussels, flakes, clams, crabs or dead fish.

They are quite intelligent species and can learn hand feeding. However hand feeding is not recommended because they may bite on hand while eating. Since they eat coral reefs and shells due to which they have very strong teeth. Biting on hand will be painful and disturbing.
yellow spotted trigger fish
Fish tank set up
Extra care must be taken while choosing fish tank for yellow spotted triggerfish. Since these are territorial and marine fishes they demand extra large space for swimming and patrolling. The aquarium containing them should contain rocks, caves and other decorations. So that yellow spotted triggerfish can hide in them whenever felt threatened. Yellow spotted triggerfish are quite curious and love to mess with things present around them. So keep things tightly bound with bottom. Take care while maintaining water conditions, it is not at peak then they may get stressed out. Temperature of fish tank must be in between 74 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Care : Moderate

Tank Size : 125 gallons or more

Breeding : very rare in captivity

Diet : meaty food (shrimps, mussels, flakes, clams, crabs)

Temperature : 74 - 80 degrees Fahrenheit

Nature : aggressive

Size : about 2 feet

Fish type : marine water